Charities supported by The Lodge of St Michael 1097
Every Autumn the Lodge hosts a Charity Give-Away evening where cheques are awarded to deserving local charities.
Over the past few years many thousands of pounds have been given
and shared amongst the Charities listed below.
On Friday 27th October 2023, The following local charities
received cheques:
- Midlands Air Ambulance
- Tenbury Transport
- Tenbury Millennium Orchard
- Riding for the Disabled
- Christmas Lights in Tenbury
- St Mary's Bell Ropes
- First Responders
- Tenbury Food Bank (Christmas Hampers)
- Provincial Grand Lodge
On Friday 28th October 2022, The following local charities received cheques.
- Tenbury Community Pool
- 1st Responders
- Tenbury Blooms
- Tenbury W.I.
- Millenium Orchard
- Girl Guides
- Midlands Air Ambulance
- Applefest
- Christmas Lights
- Kyre Group, Riding for the Disabled
- Province
On Friday 12th November 2021, The following local charities
received cheques.
- St Mary’s Church.
- Kyre RDA.
- First Responders.
- Tenbury Chamber of Trade. (Xmas Lights)
- Tenbury Swimming Pool.
- Tenbury Surgery.
- Millennium Orchard.
- Tenbury High D of E.
- Masonic 2022 Appeal
In 2020, due to the COVID Lockdown, there was no formal give away evening, but the following charities received cheques anyway.
- Tenbury Church food bank
- First Responders
- Burgage Bowling Club
- Online – Alzheimers
- Tenbury United Youth Football Club
- Millennium Orchard
- Kyre Riding for the Disabled
- Tenbury Chamber of Trade (Christmas Lights)
- Tenbury Community Pool
On Friday 22nd November 2019, the following local charities received cheques.
- Worcestershire Guide Association
- 1st Tenbury Scout Group
- Tenbury High Ormiston Academy
- The Teenage Choir
- Midlands Air Ambulance
- N.I.L.S.
- Tenbury Town Council
- Millennium Orchard
- Onside independent Advocacy
- First Responders
- Kyre Riding for the Disabled
- Citizens Advice Bureau
- Tenbury Chamber of Trade (Christmas Lights)
- Grand Charity
On 25th October 2018, the following local charities received Cheques
- Midland Air Ambulance
- C.A.B.
- Tenbury Chamber of Trade (Christmas Lights)
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Riding for the disabled
- First Responders
- Tenbury Food Bank
- Tenbury Primary School
- Tenbury Ormison Academy
- Millenium Orchard
- Burford Pre-School
- Tenbury Scout Group
- Tenbury docs. (Blood Monitors)
- Tenbury Mayor’s Charity
- Province 2022 Festival
The Lodge of St Michael 1097
Founded 21st April 1866