Freemasonry in Tenbury Wells

The Lodge of St Michael
Stand at the Tenbury Show 3.8.2019

Following last year’s initial success the Lodge of St Michael again had an exhibition stand an the Tenbury Country Show.
Whilst attracting new members would be nice, the main aim of the stand was to promote freemasonry and in particular the involvement of the lodge within the Tenbury community.
A lot of interest was shown, generally all positive, however it was good to be able to dispel some myths that some visitors had.
The "Name the Famous Freemason" board outside the stand attracted much interest, with only one person being able to name all thirty famous Freemasons.
The stand was supported by a number of members from Province, the most notable being the PGM, accompanied by his wife.
As always, lessons have been learned with regard to how the stand and the presentation material should be displayed for maximum effect.



Message from Jonathan Swift, Provincial Communications Officer:

I was delighted with the continuous flow of interest during the show. Clearly the Famous Masons was an attraction and a good conversation starter.

Well done John and the team at St Michael’s