Freemasonry in Tenbury Wells

Royal Ark Mariners No 1260

Latest News - 12th November 2019

The 12th of November 2019 Royal Arch Mariner meeting held at the Lodge rooms in Tenbury was an unusual meeting in as much a rare double ceremony of elevation took place. Worshipful Commander, Cliff Slade, welcomed into the degree, Bro. Richard Webb and Bro. Lyndon Bennett.

Bro. Jay Da Costa formally toasted both Brethren and stated that this degree and lodge was very fortunate to have the two most dedicated and committed individuals joining the RAM ranks.

Bro. Richard Webb has already demonstrated his devoted service to the craft as its organist, secretary, website custodian, as well as supporting various social and formal events in other degrees.

Similarly Bro. Bennett needs no introduction for his stoic project management work transforming and overseeing the current new St Michael’s lodge room building refurbishment.

Keeping in the theme of doubles, the evening was also attended by two Worshipful Assistant Provincial Grand Masters. WAPGM from Stafford and Shropshire WAPGM Dennis Hill and our very own WAPGM Paul Yarnell.

WC Cliff Slade said the RAM degree was the fastest and most attractive growing side orders in Tenbury much to the hard work of Past Commanders such as WC’s Kevin Bryant and Eric Humphries and current DC and Grand Lodge Officer WB John Moore.

WC Slade reported if one double ceremony of elevation was amazing enough, the next RAM meeting scheduled for January 2020 is also a double ceremony. So, not only are the colours bright for the RAM degree, the future is also exciting for the quiet degree that is making a lot of noise at its ever growing festive board!

Worshipful Commander, Cliff Slade

Royal Ark Mariners

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